e-Learning in HKUGA College

e-Learning in HKUGA College

Monday, 1 September 2014

Google Education Suite for HKUGA College students

We are pleased to announce that the HKUGA College Google Suite can be used now!  From now on, you can use the Google Docs suite: Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Drawings, includes collaborative online applications for creating, sharing, and publishing in your classroom and on the go.

Access, edit, and share content like lesson plans, science projects, class presentations, and quizzes, right from your web browser with no additional software to install. Real-time collaboration in the Google Docs suite means that more than one person can work together to edit, chat, make comments and suggestions, and view revision history. Document owners maintain control of who can view, edit, or comment on the file - with sharing permissions ranging from private to public on the Internet.

Enjoy e-Learning!

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