e-Learning in HKUGA College

e-Learning in HKUGA College

Monday, 27 April 2015

e-Learning in Liberal Studies lessons

  • e-Learning items for teaching and learning are gradually implementing
  • Use PowerLesson in eclass to conduct quiz for the students.
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Friday, 24 April 2015

e-Learning in Mathematics lessons

  • Using flipping classroom and asking students to learn by watching video, both taken by maths department or video from YouTube, and short quiz will be followed. Videos can also be used to handle learning diversities.
Sample 1a.jpg

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

e-Learning in Sciences lessons

  • Online quiz and online exercise are using
  • e-Content to keep notes and PowerPoint files
  • e-Assessment on e-Class


Students using “popplet” to construct mind map.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

e-Learning in English lessons

  • Focus on using Power Lesson, Britannica, and will encourage more e-reading
  • S2 uses e-Class to keep their video and recording multimedia project

- Sharing monthly articles with students through e-library

Monday, 20 April 2015

e-Learning in T&L lessons

  • Using Power Lesson, e-content to keep notes in e-Class, Google drive to give information and feedback to teacher and their classmates

  • Students are using mobile devices to do research and record keeping

Monday, 13 April 2015

e-Learning in PE lesson

  • Sports Motion Analyzer is used to record student’s learning progress and to enhance their movements.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Trip on e-Learning to Singapore

Fuhua Primary School Date: 31st March

School of Science and Technology Date: 1st April

Cedar Girls’ School Date: 2nd April