e-Learning in HKUGA College

e-Learning in HKUGA College

Friday, 10 October 2014

HKUGA College e-Learning week


In order to promote e-Learning in HKUGA College, this year, we had held a school-wise e-Learning week from 6th to 10th OCT 2014. 

In the first day, the theme was “BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and technically gets ready for using tablets”.  Students were encouraged to login to Wi-Fi, school Google account, then filled in a Google form and had chance win a prize!  There were a demonstration during lunch time about the comparison of different tablets and also introducing some faster input methods for tablet and mobile devices.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Questiaschool - Improve research and writing skills

Questiaschool is now ready to be used.  It can Improve your ability to write better research papers with the collection of interactive tutorials. Built by instructors, each tutorial includes videos, example lessons and quizzes to help you develop the skills to write an effective research paper. You can use the following link,  take all the tutorials or select only those you need the most – start, stop, and resume them at your own pace. 


Explore it today!